RBI Group Calls Only

RBI Group Calls Only


If you want to pay in full, use the QUANTITY button to set the amount you want to pay in TOTAL.

For example:

120 at $10 = $1200 paid in full

90 at $10 = $900 paid in full

60 at $10 = $600 paid in full

30 at $10 = $300 paid in full

12 at $10 = $120 paid in full

If you want to pay in installments, please use the QUANTITY button to set the amount you want to pay MONTHLY.

For example:

20 at $10 = $200/month for 6 months, $1200 total

15 at $10 = $150/month for 6 months, $900 total

10 at $10 = $100/month for 6 months, $600 total

50 at $10 = $50/month for 6 months, $300 total

2 at $10 = $20/month for 6 months, $120 total

I’ll send a recurring invoice for future payments!

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